Are You Boosting Your Super Effectively?

We all know that our employer has to make super guarantee payments for us, but do you know that there are all sorts of ways to save more into super. It’s important that we think about super while we’re still working unless we never want to retire, you could think of it as a ‘do [...]

2022-01-24T19:16:57+10:00January 24th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Are You Boosting Your Super Effectively?

Income Tax Returns for Influencers

Let's talk about tax returns for influencers today. Blogging has been a growing industry over the last couple of decades and now we are moving into the influx of the influencer industry that is especially prevalent on the social medial platform Instagram. With the rise of social media over the last decade the blogging/influencer industry [...]

2021-02-10T12:36:58+10:00September 25th, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Income Tax Returns for Influencers

Are You Boosting Your Super Effectively?

We all know that our employer has to make super guarantee payments for us, but do you know that there are all sorts of ways to save more into super. It’s important that we think about super while we’re still working unless we never want to retire, you could think of it as a ‘do [...]

2020-06-29T15:00:49+10:00April 24th, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Are You Boosting Your Super Effectively?

Do You Earn Income Overseas?

If you’re an Australian resident for tax purposes and you receive income from overseas you generally need to declare it on your Australia tax return. If you have paid tax in a foreign country you might be able to claim that as a foreign tax credit offset to reduce your Australian tax liability. This sounds [...]

2020-06-29T14:53:49+10:00March 27th, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Do You Earn Income Overseas?

Maximising Your Super for Over 60s

Are you over 60 but not maximising your allowable $25,000 annual super concessional amount? Did you realise that if you are between 60 and 64 and still working, you are able to access up to 10% of your super balance, and re-contribute it back to Super to claim a tax deduction. This can apply whether [...]

2021-03-16T16:15:46+10:00March 20th, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Maximising Your Super for Over 60s

Tax Deductions Available for Nurses

If you’re claiming a tax deduction for work-related expenses there are certain guidelines that you must follow and these are – You must have spent the money yourself and weren’t reimbursed It must be directly related to earning your income You must have a record to prove it Of course you can only claim the [...]

2019-04-03T12:21:21+10:00February 27th, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Tax Deductions Available for Nurses

What Deductions can a Teacher Claim?

When it comes to any work related expenses claim it must meet certain criteria –  You must have spent the money yourself and weren’t reimbursed  It must be directly related to earning your income You must have a record to prove it Also note that you can only claim the work-related part of expenses. You [...]

2019-04-03T12:23:11+10:00February 20th, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on What Deductions can a Teacher Claim?
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