Why Small to Medium Businesses Need a Good Accountant
It's not just about the tax returns! A good Accountant can be a great asset to a small to medium sized business and is important in all stages of your business life from start up through growing and then selling. Now I’m sure you’re wondering why finding a great accountant [...]
Tax Deductions Available for Nurses
If you’re claiming a tax deduction for work-related expenses there are certain guidelines that you must follow and these are – You must have spent the money yourself and weren’t reimbursed It must be directly related to earning your income You must have a record to prove it Of course [...]
What Deductions can a Teacher Claim?
When it comes to any work related expenses claim it must meet certain criteria – You must have spent the money yourself and weren’t reimbursed It must be directly related to earning your income You must have a record to prove it Also note that you can only claim the [...]
Is there tax payable if I buy or sell Bitcoin?
Cryptocurrency is generally used to describe a digital asset and are a form of electronic money. They do not physically exist as coins or notes. A cryptocurrency unit, such as a bitcoin or ether, is a digital token created from code using an encrypted string of data blocks, known [...]
Do I need to register for GST if I provide Uber services?
If you provide ride-sourcing services you are likely to be carrying on an enterprise, given that you: intend to make a profit operate in a business-like manner must provide invoices to customers Running a ride-sourcing enterprise means you must have an ABN and be registered for GST. Your GST [...]
Tips for keeping good records
Do you find record keeping for your small business complicated? We are here to help you learn about good record-keeping practices and keep correct and complete tax records. The top tips to help keep good records are: Obtain valid tax invoices for all purchases that include GST Keep accurate [...]